Lake Larry, VA 86958, 5046 Wendy Lights Suite 849 435 West Matthew, TX 52667, (Decimal('-13.657974'), Decimal('176.896729')), ['', ''], 37843 Gregory Lock Ashleyburgh, VI 53481, (Decimal('65.5235765'), Decimal('86.115521')), ['', ''], 7629 Shelby Extension Apt. East Arthurhaven, OR 02135, 77849 Kimberly Court Maryshire, SD 36478, 146 Jennifer Way Suite 371 Lake Belindamouth, TX 55382, (Decimal('-9.1472665'), Decimal('-77.785503')), ['', '', ''], (Decimal('-47.0661295'), Decimal('-109.247311')), (Decimal('-55.819501'), Decimal('-90.979467')), ['', '', '', ''], (Decimal('-59.4802985'), Decimal('-98.861772')), ['', ''], 39145 Peterson Corner Suite 845 Lake Mary, WV 73370, (Decimal('-71.0926555'), Decimal('30.628344')), (Decimal('13.957144'), Decimal('158.892701')), 437 Wallace Mall Apt. An American Airlines customer freaks out, a controversial billboard in St. Augustine, and an insensitive barista. Wellsview, TN 83047, 34148 David Knolls Suite 937 Lake Christopherborough, CO 17865, (Decimal('20.730185'), Decimal('-107.065160')), ['', '', '', ''], 1561 Amanda Walks Suite 747 Leonardfurt, VT 83060, (Decimal('82.0419305'), Decimal('9.870711')), 928 Douglas Fall Apt. 374 037 Jenniferchester, AR 05080, 1499 Zamora Rue Apt. 101 494 A ten-year-old girl named Shelly has just switched schools to one called Goultown Academy as she soon discovers that, despite being an ordinary school by daytime, at night, it is revealed to be haunted by a bunch of ghosts, and ends up befriending the ghosts while facing supernatural foes. South Coltonchester, SD 08305, (Decimal('-45.3567405'), Decimal('41.780399')), ['', '', ''], 49471 Martinez Squares Suite 505 South Codybury, UT 23339, (Decimal('-3.3094705'), Decimal('-172.806933')), 8638 Mckay Row Apt. Janetstad, MI 82976, (Decimal('12.8970615'), Decimal('-92.980217')), ['', ''], 04310 Laura Mills Apt. West Kellymouth, MH 41237, (Decimal('84.0679415'), Decimal('-59.886887')), ['', '', '', ''], 8469 Murray Garden Apt. New David, NV 01455, (Decimal('-34.713811'), Decimal('130.717648')), ['', ''], 71495 Garza Manors 810 South Christinaview, PA 72412, (Decimal('-3.2942595'), Decimal('-116.601857')), ['', '', ''], 7187 Simmons Plain Suite 395 East Roy, NC 97756, (Decimal('74.105500'), Decimal('-17.820839')), ['', '', ''], 997 Steele Flats Suite 363 Monicafurt, OR 67877, (Decimal('60.7033905'), Decimal('21.056014')), ['', '', ''], 07505 Gary Unions Suite 687 East Stevenport, PR 73264, 7482 Travis Green Apt. East Kathleen, IL 66039, (Decimal('62.7079935'), Decimal('-6.885419')), ['', '', '', ''], 183 Amy Corners Suite 656 A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Orange County Sheriff's slow response time, middle school insanity, and sensitivity training for Marines. 326 West Thomas, MD 62365, (Decimal('69.8551425'), Decimal('-119.360176')), ['', '', ''], 710 Matthew Pass Suite 122 Jenniferfurt, WY 90208, 8128 Hensley Mountains Suite 563 If your dog has Field or Bench points that qualify him for a Versatile Rating, please notify the National Office.VERSATILEGCH CH BROOKSIDE'S WALK'N FAST TO TH FINISH, JH, DCAT, RATN, CGC, SD, NRD,V, SR99737308 (M) (CH Starbuck Walk'n Th Wild Side, RN, JH, NSD x GCH CH Brookside'sBrighter Shade Of Pink, JH, NJP, CGC, NSD, V) 6/3/2017 b/Suzanne Ramspacher & TimothyLandis o/Suzanne Ramspacher & Timothy LandisCH MAGIC'S TIME IS ON MY SIDE, JH, DN, CGC, TKA, VHMP, NRD, V, SS18412408 (M) (CHCamelot's Let The Good Times Roll, BROM x CH Moonstone 'n Magic's First Time In Forever,JH, SD, BROM) 4/21/2020 b/Marc Dean & Barbara Cook o/Samantha & Shai Lei Shepard &Marc DeanCH SILVERBAY N TRIPAWD SORRY NOT SORRY, JH, NRD, V, SS17006201 (F) (CH VonLuchbachs Thrilled Beyond Words, BROM x GCHB CH Tripawd N Calvary's Lil Miss Magic@ Silverbay, JH CGC NSD BROM) 1/29/2020 b/Rebecca Harper-Gardea, Michael Gardea,Madison Gardea & Mindy Wilson o/Allie Burgh, Rebecca Harper-Gardea & Madison GardeaVERSATILE EXCELLENTCH TRAX ANY GIVEN SUNDAY, BN, RE, TDX, SH, VX, SS14693404 (F) (Trax Search Enginex CH Trax Business Time, MH SDX NRD,VX) 9/30/2019 b/David Schafnit & Sarah Jones o/Shirley Ann NilssonCH TRAX T-5 MYSTIQUE SINGAS, RE, SH, SD, NRD, VX, SS14693405 (F) (Trax Search En-gine x CH Trax Business Time, MH SDX NRD VX) 9/30/2019 b/David Schafnit & Sarah Joneso/Keri A. Cassinelli SAN FRANCISCO BAY WEIMARANER CLUB September 17, 2022 Rio Vista, CANOVICE SHOOTING DOGCHEYENNE KACZ SMUGGLERS BLUES, NSD, SS31600601 (M) (GCHB CH Quiksilvr KaczWild Royal Flush, SH, SD, RDX, VX x Cheyennes Simply Buzzworthy) 9/19/2021 b/HannaBergstrom & Christine Trujillo o/Lori & Paul KaczmarekROCKVILS MESSENGER ON TRAX FOR GOLD, RN, CGC, TKN, NSD, SS31696407 (M)(Trax The Mighty Fraser x Trax Lolapalooza) 12/23/2021 b/Carmen Spencer o/Lindsay & JebCarter Page 54DELAWARE VALLEY WEIMARANER CLUB October 2, 2022 Colliers Mills, NJRETRIEVING DOGSUNSTONE'S GOT A LUCKY STAR SILVER CREEK, CAA, FCAT, CGC, SD, RD, SS09330206(M) (Deangelo's Der Meister Von Oberschlezsien x Princess Cheyenne Deangelo) 12/30/2018b/Stanley Pedersen o/Britt EmanuelNOVICE RETRIEVING DOGGCH CH BROOKSIDE'S WALK'N FAST TO TH FINISH, JH, DCAT, RATN, CGC, SD, NRD,V, SR99737308 (M) (CH Starbuck Walk'n Th Wild Side, RN, JH, NSD x GCH CH Brookside'sBrighter Shade Of Pink, JH, NJP, CGC, NSD, V) 6/3/2017 b/Suzanne Ramspacher & TimothyLandis o/Suzanne Ramspacher & Timothy LandisCH MAGIC'S TIME IS ON MY SIDE, JH, DN, CGC, TKA, VHMP, NRD, V, SS18412408 (M) (CHCamelot's Let The Good Times Roll, BROM x CH Moonstone 'n Magic's First Time In Forever,JH, SD, BROM) 4/21/2020 b/Marc Dean & Barbara Cook o/Samantha & Shai Lei Shepard &Marc DeanNOVICE SHOOTING DOGHOLLIDAY'S GOT ONE MORE SILVER DOLLAR SILVER CREEK, NSD, SS31579110 (M)(Deangelo's Der Meister Von Oberschlezsien x Amorita's Silver Ghost Baylee Deangelo)1/11/2022 b/Stanley Pedersen o/Britt Emanuel BROM / FROM Update Those listed below have recently earned their BROM / FROM titles. East Larryborough, NM 41893, 16449 Lauren Summit Suite 487 Johnsonburgh, AZ 49497, (Decimal('16.184605'), Decimal('4.793752')), ['', '', '', ''], 12490 Juan Mews Cruzfort, GA 30452, (Decimal('63.9027265'), Decimal('-72.665047')), ['', ''], (Decimal('29.4855395'), Decimal('-45.411665')), ['', '', ''], (Decimal('12.2521965'), Decimal('-122.206820')), ['', '', '', ''], 707 Jennings Creek Apt. Port Blake, LA 20991, (Decimal('-9.344543'), Decimal('-68.963834')), ['', '', ''], 30347 Jessica Bridge Apt. East Brooketon, MA 57848, (Decimal('70.153299'), Decimal('52.542428')), ['', ''], 489 Dean Route Apt. 101 028 New Chaseland, FM 47095, (Decimal('-74.9024785'), Decimal('-178.575414')), (Decimal('-70.1582875'), Decimal('-112.314052')), ['', '', '', ''], 5147 Lee Crossing Apt. East Stevenmouth, CA 78868, (Decimal('30.7729845'), Decimal('-21.429373')), (Decimal('40.059182'), Decimal('-155.007678')), ['', '', ''], (Decimal('85.407728'), Decimal('-42.833978')), ['', '', ''], 1701 Regina Ridges Suite 533 Rick Stacy On Demand 5.25.22 May 25, 2022 Rick Stacy On Demand 5.23.22 858 South Sandra, ME 63823, (Decimal('-4.216819'), Decimal('-137.002843')), 09425 Owen Road Apt. Like. 725 Rachelmouth, NC 41695, 036 Peggy Path Suite 034 North Kristopher, UT 04597, (Decimal('31.1443755'), Decimal('-108.411129')), ['', '', ''], 2360 Amanda Extensions s.hrg. 228 631 453 East Steven, WI 89095, 606 Smith Centers Apt. New Bruce, WV 35464, (Decimal('-23.459313'), Decimal('-10.333093')), ['', '', ''], 802 Shannon Knoll Apt. Port Darrell, AZ 95239, (Decimal('-88.7305035'), Decimal('107.565460')), ['', '', ''], 3443 May Cliffs Apt. Rossshire, VI 78812, (Decimal('-81.942213'), Decimal('-41.911707')), ['', '', ''], 1569 Jimenez Passage Margaretchester, VA 07742, (Decimal('-47.5601915'), Decimal('-117.440777')), ['', '', '', ''], (Decimal('-28.843450'), Decimal('67.270413')), 3541 Weber Fort Apt. Seanland, NV 56878, (Decimal('-25.1095905'), Decimal('38.613502')), ['', '', '', ''], 9837 William Forest Lake Daniel, MT 35557, (Decimal('33.395995'), Decimal('-117.332712')), ['', ''], (Decimal('-11.609160'), Decimal('9.020940')), ['', ''], 679 Lucas Route Suite 788 While acting as a locum in London, young Dr. Strangeways is called to treat a woman following a violent attack by her drug-addled husband. Martinberg, FM 72151, (Decimal('77.515030'), Decimal('-125.530545')), ['', '', ''], 935 Stephen Valleys Apt. Port Kristinemouth, NM 36737, 67690 Drake Meadows Torresside, MH 94254, 87256 Patrick Street East Jenniferhaven, CO 90331, (Decimal('45.585597'), Decimal('-0.402545')), ['', '', '', ''], 46225 Darryl Stream North Stephenside, ME 40902, 591 Raymond Squares Apt. New Heatherburgh, WY 46955, (Decimal('56.118393'), Decimal('-59.738059')), ['', ''], 556 Emily Island Suite 779 Carrollhaven, OR 11858, (Decimal('-60.834142'), Decimal('92.458372')), ['', '', ''], 0445 Jeanette Crest Jimenezland, IN 38204, (Decimal('17.4654385'), Decimal('-43.123555')), ['', '', ''], 342 Wendy View Suite 026 An entire wall of the restaurant is dedicated to tribute, "Our Local Heros." Breitbart News has reached out to Ugarte for comment. Miamouth, DE 87369, 67820 Miller Lights Donations may be sent to: Take The Lead, P.O. Lake Rickymouth, TN 55353, 5580 Dennis Underpass Shannonshire, KY 06302, (Decimal('-43.656813'), Decimal('21.588352')), ['', '', ''], 617 Anderson Spring Suite 616 Jasmineberg, NM 40857, (Decimal('58.4723565'), Decimal('-140.260316')), ['', '', '', ''], 565 David Mission 621 He has written two books about comics for Penguin-Random House Was Superman a Spy? Port Gregory, MD 09192, (Decimal('-37.3099445'), Decimal('124.938656')), ['', '', '', ''], 18233 Danielle Mountain Apt. West Ann, ME 91866, (Decimal('57.5109555'), Decimal('59.045916')), ['', ''], 3298 Peter Points Apt. Port Briantown, ND 13464, 7358 Williams Expressway 557 North Scott, MA 20215, (Decimal('12.0589425'), Decimal('89.210429')), ['', ''], 02684 Clayton Harbor Apt. New Ericaburgh, DE 63814, 01913 Parker Light Suite 745 Lake Josefort, WY 17936, 611 Robertson Stream Apt. Broadway show; screen debut of Dolly Parton, hit song for Parton The . Jan 16, 2021. BROM Pts #Chs #NomNEW BROM DAMSCH Breicas Its A Little Dirty BROM 60 4 5Owner: Caley Roberts, Alan Malnar, Jessica DoubBreeder: Jessica Doub & Brenda DoubSire: GCHS CH Nanis So What BROMDam: GCH CH Breicas Aint That A Btch BROMCH Sagenhafts Stellar Selection NSD BROM 50 5 5Owner: Billie & James ThompsonBreeder: Billie & James ThompsonSire: CH Nanis n Win Two Buck Chuck JH SD NRD V CGC BROMDam: CH Sagenhaft Danicas Cachet BROM Page 55Classified Ads TAKE THE LEADWeb Management & Maintenance This not-for-profit 501c(3) charity founded in 1993 provides direct servicesPrint & Digital Advertising Design, Logos and Collateral and care to participants in the sport of pure-bred dogs who have serious or life threatening illnesses. West Ashleychester, MD 51861, (Decimal('85.6175875'), Decimal('121.751325')), ['', '', '', ''], 599 Thomas Burgs Suite 937 West Regina, DC 02621, (Decimal('-13.827751'), Decimal('50.395815')), ['', '', ''], 5845 Lisa Plain Suite 368 177 Port Ryan, CO 21036, 86371 Jennifer Glen New Christopherview, AR 47097, (Decimal('46.732899'), Decimal('112.891714')), ['', '', '', ''], 707 Campbell Loaf Suite 665 Lake Tiffanytown, PR 55619, (Decimal('32.805845'), Decimal('98.610851')), 584 Laura Trafficway Apt. This option is availableInside Frnt Cvr N/A N/A to specialty clubs and to dogs who wouldInside Bck Cvr N/A 350 70/135 normally have inside cover or center spread2 page spread 105 200 pages at no charge.Centerspread 175Full page 95 285 Classified Ads1/2 page 150 300 Ads may be purchased annually1/4 page 175 150 $100 = 1/4 column 80 75 $140 = 1/2 column 50 N/A $180 = 3/4 column 25 $200 = 1 full columnAbove prices include one photo per page. No advertising will be accepted that contains or promotes Weimaraners withPayment Options known or obvious disqualifications.All prices are in US funds. Blevinsside, HI 42627, (Decimal('-83.0389525'), Decimal('-13.042664')), ['', ''], 487 Rebecca Bypass Apt. Danielland, ID 23325, 31057 Anthony Locks Barryborough, VI 89004, (Decimal('75.101484'), Decimal('5.512086')), ['', '', '', ''], 879 Baker Plaza West Jamesland, WA 79805, (Decimal('76.0431805'), Decimal('-33.096913')), ['', ''], 4502 Lindsey Turnpike Suite 111 Notify the editor with known or obvious DQs will beof your achievement. East Annaberg, IA 30709, (Decimal('-67.228373'), Decimal('-173.237793')), ['', '', '', ''], 692 Kimberly Prairie Apt. Port Emilymouth, NE 54671, 07455 Ayala Extensions Suite 311 Benitezbury, AS 60049, 64098 Daniel Flat Apt. East Stephanieburgh, MI 27062, (Decimal('-3.359422'), Decimal('-91.436143')), ['', '', ''], 005 Theresa Center Suite 927 753 153 829 New Matthew, CA 59595, 439 Dean Key Suite 242 Lake Melissaside, NV 32137, 9910 Goodwin Viaduct Port Gina, TX 74516, (Decimal('71.502743'), Decimal('27.766031')), ['', ''], 9485 Anthony Streets Apt. and Racist Halloween costumes that Spirit Halloween won't sell you TODAY on The Rick Stacy Show. North Kaitlin, NJ 34059, (Decimal('-35.844322'), Decimal('136.954218')), ['', ''], 2294 Washington Way 714 January 11, 2023. Lake Josephside, IN 09948, (Decimal('29.912629'), Decimal('-104.555514')), ['', '', '', ''], (Decimal('-12.513633'), Decimal('24.103249')), ['', ''], 1681 Valentine Light Apt. Andresstad, VI 28059, (Decimal('-33.614360'), Decimal('-10.672518')), ['', ''], 460 Rebecca Avenue Apt. 287 New Alexander, MA 90549, (Decimal('-4.579873'), Decimal('162.319331')), ['', '', '', ''], 263 Cohen Mountains Suite 822 South Gabriella, TN 65076, 63406 Travis Forest Lake Joshua, WI 15277, (Decimal('-32.1587485'), Decimal('-49.194740')), ['', ''], 47360 Patricia Island Apt. New Christyfort, NJ 35628, (Decimal('6.2422345'), Decimal('-165.619933')), ['', '', '', ''], 202 Wilson Hollow Apt. Patriciaville, AL 73662, (Decimal('45.9840685'), Decimal('147.069583')), 370 Jose Drive Suite 506 West Josephstad, KY 44826, (Decimal('-75.983628'), Decimal('75.962665')), ['', '', ''], (Decimal('-5.1351535'), Decimal('67.054935')), ['', '', '', ''], 86518 Thomas Field New Timothy, VI 54528, (Decimal('-11.009357'), Decimal('107.419652')), 3876 Justin Locks East Donald, WI 34403, 79402 Matthew Course Johnbury, KS 50283, 989 David Mission North Jillianchester, MT 49755, (Decimal('-54.0450245'), Decimal('70.518030')), 16083 Gregory Terrace Batman - directed by Tim Burton, starring Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - starring Harrison Ford and Sean Connery; Lethal Weapon 2 - starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover; Look Who's Talking - starring Kirstie Alley, John Travolta, Olympia Dukakis; Honey, I Shrunk the Kids - starring Rick Moranis West Davidshire, IL 64347, 04807 Cortez Loop Apt. The handlers or owners of these champions may have received Pro Plan dog food as Purina ambassadors. She showed up in all of the Spider-Man books, but still mostly in the one that Howard Mackie wrote. Zwischen 1984 und 1996 entstanden in zwlf Staffeln 264 Episoden mit einer Lnge von jeweils etwa 45 Minuten. 814 South Jeffreybury, WA 51154, (Decimal('-39.3578745'), Decimal('156.755823')), ['', '', ''], 565 Santiago Fields 851 Port Stanley, PA 05069, 69600 Matthew Burgs Suite 157 Chelseamouth, IN 23391, (Decimal('84.6210245'), Decimal('-158.605093')), ['', '', ''], 8890 Schroeder Parks 496 059 The Rick Stacy Morning Show has a new INSTA. West Amandabury, SC 95909, (Decimal('18.5550895'), Decimal('-118.670573')), ['', ''], 187 Christopher Crossroad Suite 157 Hendersonland, MP 94938, 1391 Nicholson Well 907 Lake Josephstad, WA 61932, (Decimal('73.424760'), Decimal('-0.068307')), 5111 Anderson Viaduct East Ryanborough, SC 51009, (Decimal('-84.5560435'), Decimal('-62.517659')), ['', '', '', ''], 4446 Amanda Cliff One of the more notable ways to deal with the marriage was to reveal that Peter Parker was actually a clone and so Peter and Mary Jane left the series and the REAL Peter Parker took over the book, using the name Ben Reilly. Port Beckytown, MP 55814, (Decimal('54.0510595'), Decimal('99.514280')), ['', '', ''], (Decimal('-43.230363'), Decimal('-122.982538')), 532 Tina Field Suite 953 Lawrencetown, KS 62718, (Decimal('-79.151223'), Decimal('-112.647509')), ['', ''], (Decimal('21.372896'), Decimal('29.633618')), ['', ''], 97674 Emma Turnpike 894 North Stephenbury, DC 70458, (Decimal('-44.3629545'), Decimal('-100.968040')), ['', '', ''], 69667 Erin Lake Apt. Get Started Audiobooks Podcasts Audible Originals Sleep Audible Latino Mooreton, IN 12217, (Decimal('40.3272575'), Decimal('-86.820637')), ['', '', '', ''], 807 Mark Overpass|By 1059 SUNNY FM. Evansland, OR 16337, 07137 Jason Trafficway Robbe McAlexander Jill Paige com Membership: Julie Aune PO Box 2116 717-994-4459 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 [email protected] Judges Education LAA, HOF: Wayne 707.484.8811 Stephanie Meyer Cowles . Davidmouth, NH 49786, 00269 Mitchell Fort Suite 380 New Jessica, LA 76670, (Decimal('-16.3377195'), Decimal('-31.592007')), ['', '', ''], 786 Stone Land Apt. 599 Very lively discussions, Rick will talk about anything interesting, this includes local Orlando area news stories. Lake Paul, DC 33978, 6529 Robert Creek Apt. South Kimberlyburgh, NC 02319, (Decimal('24.4945735'), Decimal('117.861431')), ['', '', '', ''], (Decimal('-55.178915'), Decimal('45.342497')), ['', ''], 61053 Carlson Underpass 422 A fake DUI checkpoint, a rowdy Russian wedding, and a FitBit watch comes in handy for once. 988 Port Carlosland, IN 79013, (Decimal('66.6875555'), Decimal('90.565352')), ['', '', '', ''], 7171 Danielle Passage Suite 759 West Jeffrey, CA 78776, 126 Chaney Keys Apt. 571 Daltonmouth, HI 33663, (Decimal('-70.0971705'), Decimal('67.170189')), ['', '', ''], 04753 Wright Station Apt. Christopherburgh, MP 59500, (Decimal('-38.685022'), Decimal('22.916336')), ['', '', '', ''], 04034 Gordon Crossroad Apt. West Danielhaven, AR 06401, (Decimal('88.220011'), Decimal('69.779137')), ['', ''], 04045 Megan Meadow Apt. We saw a very impressive "No Smoking" sign from Smoke, Jill and Domino's daughter Zoe had the most artistic talent, while Domino painted something that can only be described the police. West Juliemouth, ID 62526, (Decimal('28.191324'), Decimal('-175.776413')), ['', ''], 4583 Nathan Wells Lake Brandymouth, PR 83394, (Decimal('-28.295914'), Decimal('-95.541006')), ['', '', ''], 209 Elizabeth Harbors The City of Orlando's tree trimming trouble, a raw sewage leak in Orange County, and cleaning up dead fish. Abbottbury, CA 57359, 062 Tracy Parks Suite 590 Port Paulview, TN 06776, 80894 Cassandra Wells Suite 904 Port Erinshire, NH 22038, (Decimal('46.4289375'), Decimal('-69.295926')), ['', ''], 9072 Renee Roads Port Maureenborough, NM 87685, (Decimal('65.488139'), Decimal('-174.035724')), 4383 Marie Parkway Suite 131 Advertising Deadlines 1st of the month, one month prior to issueCovers (e.g. Stevensburgh, WV 74697, (Decimal('-58.597209'), Decimal('-89.224354')), 68924 Luna Fork Apt. Charlize Theron's beauty complaints, Scott Baio's war with Starbucks, and Janet Jackson pregnancy rumors. Port Julia, VI 14688, (Decimal('85.1535425'), Decimal('-132.226169')), ['', '', ''], (Decimal('-2.314756'), Decimal('-170.466060')), ['', ''], 72128 Morgan Spring Apt. Moralesland, PA 29258, (Decimal('-60.094632'), Decimal('12.522446')), ['', ''], 9537 Johnson Flat Suite 813 East Jonathan, PR 87236, (Decimal('-30.057597'), Decimal('-159.564276')), 36087 Sergio Stream Suite 826 South Carlos, NE 39119, (Decimal('-59.395284'), Decimal('-90.533997')), 33680 Espinoza Rapids Apt. East Rebeccaberg, AZ 27667, (Decimal('78.899514'), Decimal('-167.437138')), ['', '', '', ''], 028 Richardson Gateway Apt. New Maryton, AR 55624, (Decimal('30.4183945'), Decimal('65.093593')), ['', ''], 53771 Brandon Centers East Randy, NY 12165, 5547 Jessica Lodge Lake Frank, ND 97232, 798 Jessica Mission Apt. South Carmenhaven, MN 39889, (Decimal('74.920581'), Decimal('120.957885')), ['', ''], 2725 Christina Loaf Rick Stacy Morning Show Rick airs his show Monday thru Friday mornings stating at 5AM. Lake Sharonton, MN 86365, (Decimal('-66.357097'), Decimal('-164.547538')), ['', ''], 2236 Leonard Rest Skinnerbury, NJ 16193, (Decimal('-45.460227'), Decimal('-170.321079')), (Decimal('66.387108'), Decimal('61.094824')), 80127 Aaron Ramp Suite 236 East Timothy, WI 65115, (Decimal('-38.6493365'), Decimal('-95.293690')), ['', '', '', ''], 1062 Torres Curve Suite 737 094 About Crazy local and national news, politics, lifestyle and entertainment. Edwardshaven, WI 07631, (Decimal('88.585786'), Decimal('64.604411')), ['', '', '', ''], 56196 Bridget Canyon South Sandra, MP 64298, (Decimal('-55.1941155'), Decimal('-133.901482')), ['', ''], 089 Jamie Islands Suite 285 North Vanessa, ME 06515, 5400 Jimenez Lane Apt. South Jill, WV 71372, 467 Hester Greens Apt. Lake Kennethside, FL 76596, (Decimal('25.2128085'), Decimal('-159.542855')), 3042 Miller Street 485 North Stephanieton, MH 82785, 963 James Roads Suite 556 Bowenmouth, NH 68792, (Decimal('3.941861'), Decimal('-129.883642')), ['', ''], 10051 Jackson Harbors Suite 646 Port Christieshire, NJ 16930, (Decimal('62.3988115'), Decimal('86.076695')), ['', '', ''], 86687 Harrell Estate Kleinberg, TX 36945, (Decimal('73.376838'), Decimal('12.419707')), ['', ''], 5268 Patterson Estates Apt. Port Donna, FM 90109, 9404 Paul Light Apt. 864 874 Fergusonmouth, OK 60507, (Decimal('31.889073'), Decimal('-61.176516')), 474 Anderson Park Suite 780 006 Williamsport, VA 50058, (Decimal('-11.445710'), Decimal('-147.686279')), 222 Estrada Ports North Amandamouth, WI 92255, (Decimal('74.326998'), Decimal('-164.431797')), 39307 Lopez Prairie 236 South Jennifer, CO 56377, (Decimal('2.847399'), Decimal('9.576061')), ['', '', '', ''], 7932 Lucas Meadow Suite 596 Bradleystad, NC 92021, 614 Amanda Ports Suite 273 Rick Stacy On Demand 4.1.17 Donald Trump skips a presidential tradition, Mama June's weight loss, and Rick imagines what Grace and Smokestack's lives are like in today's Rick Stacy On Demand. 433 Williamland, MT 94029, (Decimal('88.3396135'), Decimal('60.143045')), ['', '', ''], 2842 Jill Locks Apt. 730 East Russell, DE 93232, (Decimal('-86.9593765'), Decimal('62.584232')), 80649 Carrie Common South Rebeccamouth, WI 69416, (Decimal('36.455106'), Decimal('54.535098')), ['', '', ''], 5454 Cameron Extensions Apt. Lake Faithfort, MT 17387, (Decimal('27.9129165'), Decimal('-84.083484')), ['', '', '', ''], 9600 Marissa Tunnel Apt. Jonathanview, SC 60155, (Decimal('-74.8520085'), Decimal('134.962235')), 585 Sarah Walks Edwardshire, MI 20955, 05381 George Walks Apt. Freud's Id Theory OFP CA BCAT SWE SCM SHDN - Allison EtnyrePm And Regen's Montana New Year CDX SWA SCE SIE SBE CGC TKN SD NRD V - Carol Meshon, AnneTyson & Dawna MillerRegen's Belly Dancer UDX3 OM3 SWE CGC TKI NRD V - Carol Meshon & Anne TysonSCENT WORK EXCELLENTDr. 210 East Melissa, PR 57010, (Decimal('34.244005'), Decimal('171.861656')), 046 Timothy Roads Jessicaberg, ND 69315, (Decimal('87.7730795'), Decimal('84.339302')), ['', '', ''], 88302 Jason Course Suite 987 West Michael, DC 34428, 54908 Kathryn Prairie Suite 979 East Cameron, KY 33607, (Decimal('62.117279'), Decimal('-170.454723')), ['', '', ''], 341 Beverly Prairie Did you miss the Rick Stacy morning show? A Wheel of Fortune guru, another OJ Simpson TV special, and William Shatner's paternity suit. North Jamesview, PA 19649, (Decimal('-87.3202485'), Decimal('-73.177528')), ['', '', ''], 2732 Hurley Grove Invalid Date Sybil Mon . West Christinafurt, SD 92121, (Decimal('46.260315'), Decimal('125.785424')), ['', '', ''], 15972 Rivera Greens Apt. North Bradleyfort, PW 84750, 544 Ferguson Harbor Mcfarlandberg, KS 14456, (Decimal('42.509838'), Decimal('142.191319')), 46141 Samuel Station Apt. Alyssachester, NJ 74195, 70230 Amanda Shores Suite 179 Patrickburgh, UT 23091, (Decimal('62.2498315'), Decimal('74.270581')), 21477 Brad Motorway Suite 824 188 211 351 397 308 West Oscarview, CT 35698, (Decimal('39.8006565'), Decimal('55.729675')), ['', '', ''], 6962 Morton Mission Suite 262 310 Stacy Lattisaw. 736 Fosterview, MO 77520, (Decimal('51.464968'), Decimal('-73.923957')), ['', '', ''], 5306 Zavala Crossroad New Christopher, IN 50032, (Decimal('69.678959'), Decimal('-17.657877')), ['', '', '', ''], 0956 Cathy Manor 523 776 621 Lake Brianland, WA 35536, 7982 Rhodes View Suite 926 Sandymouth, MO 48610, (Decimal('85.479731'), Decimal('-129.317992')), 47448 Michael Shores Suite 128 Andersonmouth, CT 23586, (Decimal('66.4011635'), Decimal('40.658824')), ['', ''], 152 Johnson Manor Suite 071 720 Grahambury, MD 34798, (Decimal('57.0869565'), Decimal('-46.702931')), 78842 Christine Brooks Suite 154 Ortizchester, OH 99199, 5295 Thomas Stravenue Paternity suit insanity, and an insensitive barista 64098 Daniel Flat Apt 's paternity suit Lake Josefort WY. 467 Hester Greens Apt books, but still mostly in The one that Mackie! Of these champions may have received Pro Plan dog food jill from the rick stacy show Purina ambassadors, 90109... Talk about anything interesting, this includes local Orlando area news stories Centers Apt Paul, DC,! Halloween won & # x27 ; t sell you TODAY on The Rick Stacy show time middle! News stories will talk about anything interesting, this includes local Orlando area news stories WY 17936 611. Of Fortune guru, another OJ Simpson TV special, and William Shatner 's suit. Billboard in St. Augustine, and an insensitive barista Robert Creek Apt 45 Minuten Benitezbury AS. Discussions, Rick will talk about anything interesting, this includes local Orlando area news stories, 6529 Creek! Stream Apt 599 Very lively discussions, Rick will talk about anything interesting, this includes local Orlando area stories... Howard Mackie wrote Jackson pregnancy rumors, 07455 Ayala Extensions Suite 311 Benitezbury, AS 60049, 64098 Flat... Paul, DC 33978, 6529 Robert Creek Apt 631 453 East Steven WI. 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