According to Bernard Lewis: "Iran was indeed Islamized, but it was not Arabized. Following the events of the revolution, Marxist guerrillas and federalist parties revolted in some regions comprising Khuzistan, Kurdistan and Gonbad-e Qabus, which resulted in fighting between them and revolutionary forces. "[174] He also said that, "women from all levels of society took part in the recent demonstrations, which we are calling the 'referendum of the streets' women fought side by side with men in the struggle for their independence and their liberty. It was the most profitable British business in the world. The Shah himself was horrified by the events of Black Friday, and harshly criticized the events, though this did little to sway public perception of him as being responsible for the shooting. Sign up to receive ShareAmerica updates. This revolution helped the shah gain signifiant domestic support, but he also received political criticism from people who believed the reforms were not doing enough or were not working fast enough to modernize Iran. [294][295] Maternal and infant mortality rates have also been cut significantly. Black Tents of Baluchistan , 2000 . Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi Issues New Statement to Iranian Royalists Following Demonstrations., College of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences. By January 1980 "at least 582 persons had been executed. Good article, but the information on the Shahs is more than a little biased. While women themselves were often killed, tortured, arrested or injured and some were involved in guerilla activities, most contributed in non-violent ways. [24], Much of Iranian society was in euphoria about the coming revolution. Pre-Islamic Iranian culture and its effect on Islamic civilization and Arabic literature. [19], On 7 January 1978, an article titled "Iran and Red and Black Colonization" appeared in the national daily Ettela'at newspaper. What we are afraid of is Western universities and the training of our youth in the interests of West or East. Jones, Milo L., and Philippe Silberzahn. Its disturbing that people in modern times have such difficulty understanding that a child is eight years old shouldnt Noway be involved in a marriage. On April 18, 1980, after Friday prayers, Khomeini gave a speech harshly attacking the universities. Homosexuality has a long history in pre-modern Iran. Backround "[14] The government abolished the Rastakhiz Party, legalized all political parties and released political prisoners, increased freedom of expression, curtailed SAVAK's authority and dismissed 34 of its commanders,[111] closed down casinos and nightclubs, and abolished the imperial calendar. One law lowered the age of marriage for girls to eight years old, and another gave fathers the right of child custody in the case of a divorce. She has contributed to national newspapers such as The Independent and The Times of London, covering subjects as diverse as travel, mental health and disaster-zone news. The former embassy in Tehran was handed over to the PLO and allied itself with several anti-Israeli Islamist militant groups since. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. [16][17] Following the March 1979 Islamic Republic referendum, in which 98% of Iranian voters approved the country's shift to an Islamic republic, the new government began efforts to draft the present-day Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran;[18][8][9][19][20] Khomeini emerged as the Supreme Leader of Iran in December 1979. [94] That party's attempt to fight inflation with populist "anti-profiteering" campaignsfining and jailing merchants for high prices angered and politicized merchants while fueling black markets. The Cultural Revolution (19801983; Persian: : Enqelbe Farhangi) was a period following the Iranian Revolution, when the academia of Iran was purged of Western and non-Islamic influences (including traditionalist unpolitical Islamic doctrines) to align them with the revolutionary and political Islam. Culture in Iran (Pre-Revolution 33 Learn about Prezi MD Marvin DeVera Thu Apr 21 2016 Outline 21 frames Reader view In the 1950's and 60's, art in Iran was quite modern and contemporary Iran art includes architecture, painting, weaving, pottery, calligraphy, metalworking and sculpture. Its baffling to see people defend it when it only harms the mass and keeps a small percentage safe from the very rules they impose. The government also began to prosecute corrupt government and royal family members. [9][6][100][101], Hoping to break Khomeini's contacts with the opposition, the Shah pressured the Iraqi government to expel him from Najaf. [9][6][111] By the beginning of November, many important officials in the Shah's government were demanding from the Shah forceful measures to bring the strikers back to work. The culture of Iran (Persian: ) or culture of Persia is among the most influential in the world. Like his father, the Shah's government was known for its autocracy, its focus on modernization and Westernization, and for its disregard for religious[citation needed] and democratic measures in Iran's constitution. Most of us think that Iranian pre-Islamic culture and literature was totally destroyed with the invasion of the Arabs and a new culture, separate from that of the past developed under the influence of Islamic culture. [1][clarification needed] The official name used by the Islamic Republic is "Cultural Revolution". In reply Khomeini compared them as well as other adulterers to gangrene, thieves, and murderers. [91] By mid-1977 economic austerity measures to fight inflation disproportionately affected the thousands of poor and unskilled male migrants settling in the cities working in the construction industry. [46], At the end of the 19th century, the Shi'a clergy (ulama) had a significant influence on Iranian society. The war would continue for another six years during which time countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Gulf states provided financial assistance to Iraq in an effort to prevent an Iranian victory, even though their relations with Iraq were often hostile - Kuwait itself was invaded by Iraq two years after the peace agreement between Iraq and Iran was signed. Due to its dominant geopolitical position in the world, it has heavily influenced peoples and cultures situated as far away as Southern Europe and Eastern Europe to the west; Central Asia . Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. "[63] The White Revolution's economic "trickle-down" strategy also did not work as intended. His remarks are thought to have "served as a signal for an attack that evening on the Tehran Teachers Training College" by his supporters, the Hezbollahi. [6][142], The Shah, hoping to see Bakhtiar established, kept delaying his departure. Pre-Revolution Iranian Culture The earliest writings on Islamic music were from the 9th century The earliest songs were the huda,from the huda came nasb, rukbani and many other kinds of music, these all came from the nomadic people In the markets competitions of music and poetry were held frequently. Iranian Revolution, also called Islamic Revolution, Persian Enqelb-e Eslm, popular uprising in Iran in 1978-79 that resulted in the toppling of the monarchy on February 11, 1979, and led to the establishment of an Islamic republic. [123][125][126][127][128][129] After the Islamic Republic government executed a police officer for the act, a man claiming to be the lone surviving arsonist claimed he was responsible for starting the fire. It this graphic novel about what she recalls growing up as a child within Iran.Much of what I remember early on, is the fact the progressive values, what would be considered normal to us ( schools of both boys and girls, lack of religious necessities ) were stripped from the people as they were linked to the ideals of Capitalism; from the implementation of religion becoming law, this was the first I had ever heard of a cultural revolution. Under the progressive light, I can see how much more favorable Reza Shah may seem to people than the current Islamic Republic, and to that i can only hope that strong, concrete reform is met with the current day Iran. Reza Shah and his son, Mohammed Reza Shah, the leaders of the Pahlavi regime, were trying to introduce modernity into Iran, as Ataturk did in Turkey. Quoted in. They were not to open for another two years. Before them, Boroujerdi was considered a conservative Marja. Beginning in the 20th century, Iran had been ruled by the Shah monarchy, which funded its decadent lifestyle through oil--mainly through concessions to Great Britain, which relied heavily upon the oil during both World Wars--while allowing the majority of Iranians to live a life defined by poverty. Operation Ajax was born, in which the only democratic government Iran ever had was deposed. Bah holy places have been confiscated, vandalized, or destroyed. The military was crumbling, with its leadership completely paralyzed, unsure of whether to support Bakhtiar or act on their own, and rank-and-file soldiers either demoralized or deserting. Bazargan's resignation was received by Khomeini without complaint, saying "Mr. Bazargan was a little tired and preferred to stay on the sidelines for a while." [329], It is said that there were attempts to incorporate modern political and social concepts into Islamic canon since 1950. [2], Since 2001, the Council has frequently called for or demanded either outright state control or governmental filtering of the internet to prevent the dissemination of blasphemy, insults to Iran's Supreme Leader, opposition to the Constitution, the creation of "pessimism and hopelessness among the people regarding the legitimacy and effectiveness of the [Islamic] system", and similar offensive content. Regarding the May 17 Arts & Style review of the Hirshhorn exhibit Shirin Neshat: Facing History [Its written all over their faces]: The shah of Iran tried to control the uprising of various Marxist groups, somesupported by the Soviets (who would soon invade Irans next-door neighbor Afghanistan), and the oppressive fundamentalist mullahs. They were granted the right to vote, education was opened up to them, and an increasing number joined the work force. In September 1980, Iraq took advantage of the febrile situation and invaded Iran. With this new Islamic republic, many new laws were implemented by Khomeini. "[150] When asked by a reporter how he felt returning to his home country after a long exile, Khomeini replied "Nothing". [267][268] Iran also began its economic cooperation with China that includes political, strategic and economic components between the two nations. [109][143] Nevertheless, Huyser won out and continued to work with both the military and opposition. Many Iranians were also angered by the fact that the Shah's family was the foremost beneficiary of the income generated by oil, and the line between state earnings and family earnings blurred. Some women of high-ranking positions were even forced to step down because of these new laws.11Rights of women have improved slightly since then but they still are not like what they used to be. [107][108], According to the Shi'ite customs, memorial services (chehelom) are held 40 days after a person's death. The Shah increasingly felt that he was losing control of the situation and hoped to regain it through complete appeasement. In November, young supporters of Khomeini, angered by U.S. support of the Shah, stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 66 hostages. People accompanying Khomeini from Mehrabad to Behesht Zahra. Culturally and religiously conservative,[92] many went on to form the core of the revolution's demonstrators and "martyrs". Royal families usually end up being despised for abusing their privileges. On 28 December, he secured an agreement with another major National Front figure, Shahpour Bakhtiar. [308], The revolutionary government rewrote laws in an attempt to force women to leave the workforce by promoting the early retirement of female government employees, the closing of childcare centers, enforcing full Islamic cover in offices and public places, as well as preventing women from studying in 140 fields in higher education. Efforts toward satisfactory reform were continually stifled, however, amid reemerging social tensions as well as foreign intervention from Russia, the United Kingdom, and, later, the United States. [97], Also in 1977, the popular and influential modernist Islamist theorist Ali Shariati died under mysterious circumstances. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). However it's important to note that "women were not united in their opinions of the revolution and its outcome as much as they were not united in their reasons for joining the revolution". "[175] Khomeini pleaded for women to participate in anti-Shah demonstrations in various cities. [47] I find it amazing that religion can influence and change so many lives, but not when church and state are not aligned. On 11 December, a dozen officers were shot dead by their own troops at Tehran's Lavizan barracks. While some argue that the micro-level actions of women can be understood through religious and political ideologies, others argue that it is in fact the effect of manipulations of information, symbols and context which should be studied.[172]. The British, however, were outraged and accused him of stealing. Years later, Mohammad Reza Shah dismissed the parliament and launched the White Revolutionan aggressive modernization program that upended the wealth and influence of landowners and clerics, disrupted rural economies, led to rapid urbanization and Westernization, and prompted concerns over democracy and human rights. These activists were either high school students or had recently graduated from universities in Iran and abroad. Written under a pseudonym by a government agent, it denounced Khomeini as a "British agent" and a "mad Indian poet" conspiring to sell out Iran to neo-colonialists and communists. [9][20][116] In the first national concession, he replaced the hardline SAVAK chief General Nematollah Nassiri with the more moderate General Nasser Moghaddam. Throughout history, women in Iran have played numerous roles, and contributed in many ways, to Iranian society. [171] Women were so pivotal to the revolution that in response to a suggestion from a top aid to ban women from coming to group audience, Khomeini said "I threw the Shah out with these women, there's no problem in their coming. (1:152)[311] These ancient practices continued into the Islamic period of Iran, with one scholar noting how "homosexuality and homoerotic expressions were tolerated in numerous public places, from monasteries and seminaries to taverns, military camps, bathhouses and coffee houses. However, the future Ayatollah Khomeini was a student of Sheikh Abdul Karim Ha'eri.[55]. [101], On the morning of 16 January 1979, Bakhtiar was officially appointed prime minister. Our opponents do not dare act against us. [122], The Shah did not attempt to crack down on strikers,[111] but instead gave them generous wage increases, and allowed strikers who lived in government housing to remain in their homes. [243] Hezbollahi people attacked meeting places, bookstores, and newsstands of Mujahideen and other leftists,[244] driving them underground. Attacks on student groups also took place at Mashad and Isfahan Universities. 1 the iranian revolution transformed iran's government and the lives of all its citizens by making religion a key factor in all new laws that they made, as a reaction to the westernizing A permit for an open-air prayer was granted, in which 200,000500,000 people attended. The government's process of censoring foreign influences has not been without consequences. [66] However, anti-revolutionary sources conjectured that just 32 were killed.[67]. [Note 9] and several women have been elected to the Iranian parliament. [308] More organization of women's groups occurred in the 1960s and 70s, and they used the government's modernization to define and advocate for women's issues. The United States would then help assemble a coalition of pro-Western military officers, middle class professionals, and moderate clergy, with Khomeini installed as a Gandhi-like spiritual leader. [50], The Tobacco Protest was the first significant Iranian resistance against the Shah and foreign interests, revealing the power of the people and the ulama influence among them.[47]. [citation needed] The Islamic Republic lags some countries in transparency and ease of doing business according to international surveys. [9][101][132] The cabinet he would choose was a military cabinet in name only and consisted primarily of civilian leaders. As Ervand Abrahamian pointed out: "The White Revolution had been designed to preempt a Red Revolution. [14][131] Khomeini rapidly became a household name in the West, portraying himself as an "Eastern mystic" who did not seek power, but instead sought to "free" his people from "oppression." [130] After forcing the resignation of the presiding judges in an attempt to hamper the investigation, the new government finally executed Hossein Talakhzadeh for "setting the fire on the Shah's orders," despite his insistence that he did it on his own accord as an ultimate sacrifice for the revolutionary cause. [120], As a sign of easing of government restrictions, three prominent opposition leaders from the secular National FrontKarim Sanjabi, Shahpour Bakhtiar, and Dariush Forouharwere allowed to pen an open letter to the Shah demanding that he reign according to the constitution of Iran. In January of 1979, the shah and his family fled Iran on what was officially described as a vacation.5Shortly after this Khomeini returned and took control of the country as the religious leader of the revolution.6 On April 1, he officially declared Iran an Islamic republic.7 The shah and everyone in his regime, met the same fate his father did all those years ago, as they were officially sent into exile. [178] However, most of these women expected the revolution to lead to an increase in their rights and opportunities rather than the restrictions that actually occurred. These revolts began in April 1979 and lasted between several months to over a year, depending on the region. The land reform, instead of allying the peasants with the government, produced large numbers of independent farmers and landless laborers who became loose political cannons, with no feeling of loyalty to the Shah. In this interim period of "disaffected calm,"[68] the budding Iranian revival began to undermine the idea of Westernization as progress that was the basis of the Shah's secular reign, and to form the ideology of the 1979 revolution: Jalal Al-e-Ahmad's idea of Gharbzadegithat Western culture was a plague or an intoxication to be eliminated;[69] Ali Shariati's vision of Islam as the one true liberator of the Third World from oppressive colonialism, neo-colonialism, and capitalism;[70] and Morteza Motahhari's popularized retellings of the Shia faith all spread and gained listeners, readers and supporters. "[312]:157 It was during the late Qajar period that following modernization the society was heteronormalized. [6][109][114] While martial law officially remained in effect, the government decided not to break up any more demonstrations or strikes (in effect, "martial law without there exactly being martial law," according to Sharif-Emami), instead continuing to negotiate with protest leaders. On the other side of the ledger, at least one observer argues that despite great effort and expense the only countries outside Iran the revolution had a "measure of lasting influence" on are Lebanon and Iraq. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. [275] After Khomeini claimed that Americans were behind the 1979 Grand Mosque seizure, student protesters from the Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad attacked the US embassy, setting it on fire and taking hostages. [137], As the days of Tasu'a and Ashura (10 and 11 December) approached, in order to prevent a deadly showdown the Shah began to draw back. [109] Encouraged by Khomeini (who declared that the blood of martyrs must water the "tree of Islam"),[101] radicals pressured the mosques and moderate clergy to commemorate the deaths of the students, and used the occasion to generate protests. Nationalization of the oil industry, wresting it from British control, was a major boost to Irans economy, with greater job prospects for many, including women. Although it is one thing in the USA that we believe in the freedom of religion we shouldnt judge this country either. The Iranian Revolution led to the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the latest ruler in the Persian monarchy that had been ruling for 2,500 years. [103][104] The mourning of Mostafa was given a political cast by Khomeini's political credentials, their enduring opposition to the monarchy and their exile. [122][109] Martial law was declared in the city on 11 August as symbols of Western culture and government buildings were burned, and a bus full of American workers was bombed. [308] After the abdication of Reza Shah in 1941, the discipline of the government decreased, and women were able to further exercise their rights, including the ability to wear the veil if they wanted. In a 1979 interview with The New York Times, a journalist asked Khomeini to justify the state-sanctioned shootings of homosexuals. Opposition to the increasingly authoritarian monarchy was brutally crushed. In the 1950s he was given the title of an ayatollah, which is a major religious leader among Shiites. All were eventually released 14 months later, but a failed rescue operation led to the death of eight U.S. servicemen. Although the British were initially turned down in their request for American support by President Truman, the election of Dwight D. Eisenhower as U.S. president in November 1952 changed the American stance toward the conflict. Please select which sections you would like to print: Alternate titles: Enqelb-e Eslm, Islamic Revolution. ", Another aspect was that many teachers, engineers, economists, doctors, and technocrats left Iran to escape the Cultural Revolution. [206], Also enforcing the will of the government were the Hezbollahi (the Party of God), "strong-arm thugs" who attacked demonstrators and offices of newspapers critical of Khomeini.[207]. [6][14], Under the Shah's guidance, Sharif-Emami effectively began a policy of "appeasing the opposition's demands before they even made them. Iranian music Persian symphonic music- famous composers: Gholam-Hossein Minbashian, Amihollah hossein Folk music [297] Overall, Iran's Human development Index rating has climbed significantly from 0.569 in 1980 to 0.732 in 2002, on a par with neighbouring Turkey. Many of their reforms centered around women, placing them in the public eye. New York: Random House, 2003. She further explains that the cultural, ideological, social and material factors shaping the social life and class differences in the period just prior to the revolution need to be studied in order to understand how the Iranian women's social consciousness developed and how it led them to take part in public protests. [9][101][111], By August, the protests had "kick[ed]into high gear,"[121] and the number of demonstrators mushroomed to hundreds of thousands. An increasing number of boys and girls were sent to school, though females continued to have more limited access to higher education. Much of Iran still relied on agriculture. Everything that the shah had worked to change, westernization and liberation of women specifically, had been overturned by the new Islamic Republic. [109], While the military authorities banned street demonstrations and extended the curfew, the Shah faced deep misgivings about the potential violence. Britain and the US counted Iran as their major ally in the Middle East, and the Shah forcefully industrialized large segments of the country. [6], Street demonstrations continued at full force with little response from the military; by late October, government officials effectively even ceded the University of Tehran to student protesters. Trade with the West, which was curtailed after the revolution because of sanctions, was a boost to the economy. [308] Women also asserted themselves in the arts, literature, education, and politics. The council took its legitimacy from the 9 December 1984 decree of the founder of the Islamic Republic."[2]. [19][100] Special "strike committees" were set up throughout major industries to organize and coordinate the activities. Will women finally be liberated again? Education was encouraged for the entire population. Thus, in spite of all government efforts, a cycle of violence began in which each death fueled further protest, and all protestfrom the secular left and religious rightwas subsumed under the cloak of Shii Islam and crowned by the revolutionary rallying cry Allhu akbar (God is great), which could be heard at protests and which issued from the rooftops in the evenings. Supporting the protests from beyond Iran's borders, he proclaimed that "freedom and liberation from the bonds of imperialism" was imminent. [194], The most important bodies of the revolution were the Revolutionary Council, the Revolutionary Guards, Revolutionary Tribunals, Islamic Republican Party, and Revolutionary Committees (komitehs).[195]. I appoint the government, I appoint the government in support of this nation". [Note 6] Supporters of the new rule themselves have claimed that Iranians who opposed Khomeini were "fifth columnists" led by foreign countries attempting to overthrow the Iranian government. [9][6][14][100][101][115][123] However, the Shah made clear that once martial law was lifted, he intended to continue with the liberalization. Fearing further mutinies, many soldiers were returned to their barracks. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance rejected a military crackdown;[109] he and his supporters believed in the "moderate and progressive" intentions of Khomeini and his circle. By 1976, the Shah had accumulated upward of $1billion from oil revenue; his family including 63 princes and princesses had accumulated between $5 and $20billion; and the family foundation controlled approximately $3billion. Culture in Iran (Pre-Islamic Revolution) Group Use the following webpages to answer the questions about Iranian culture below. The situation in Iran, and in the Middle East in general is something that those people do not deserve to be experiencing., - Iranian Civil Strife - Coming of the Revolution, International Centre on Non Violent Conflict - The Iranian Revolution (1977-1979). . Iran has elected governmental bodies at the national, provincial, and local levels. "[254], The Islamic Republic positioned itself as a revolutionary beacon under the slogan "neither East nor West, only Islamic Republic ("Na Sharq, Na Gharb, Faqat Jumhuri-e Islami," i.e. A CIA analysis in August concluded that Iran "is not in a revolutionary or even a pre-revolutionary situation." . [82], Khomeini worked to unite this opposition behind him (except for the unwanted 'atheistic Marxists'),[8][83] focusing on the socio-economic problems of the Shah's government (corruption and unequal income and development),[8][84] while avoiding specifics among the public that might divide the factions[85]particularly his plan for clerical rule, which he believed most Iranians had become prejudiced against as a result of propaganda campaign by Western imperialists. Tehran's martial law commander was General Gholam-Ali Oveissi, who was known for his severity against opponents. [292][293] By 2002, illiteracy rates dropped by more than half. In light of his continued vocal opposition to the modernization campaign after being arrested twice, Khomeini was exiled from Iran in 1964. Here are photos of Iranian society prior to the 1979 revolution. The shutdown of the universities was preceded by attacks on foreign forces on university campuses. "[183] After the system of despotic monarchy had been overthrown,[184] the economy and the apparatus of government had collapsed, and military and security forces were in disarray. Hence, no widespread anti-government attempts were organized by clergy during the rule of Reza Shah. "[153][154] All military personnel were ordered back to their bases, effectively yielding control of the entire country to Khomeini. Khomeini called for a massive turnout[208] and only the National Democratic Front, Fadayan, and several Kurdish parties opposed the vote. "[113], After the revolution, many claimed that Islamist militants had started the fire. Pre-Revolution Before 1979 Iran: An Overview Iran: World War I & World War II 1953 Coup & Shah of Iran Explore exciting information about the 1953 Coup, Shah of Iran, U.S. involvement and events leading to the 1979 Revolution. The Shah's reforms more than quadrupled the combined size of the two classes that had posed the most challenges to his monarchy in the pastthe intelligentsia and the urban working class. On 20 January 1953, U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his brother, C.I.A. "Iran jumped overnight from the Muslim year 1355 to the royalist year 2535. In 2006, there were rumors of universities internally "bracing" for "tighter state control over student bodies and faculties and perhaps even the second Cultural Revolution.'" The British considered an armed invasion, but UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill decided on a coup after being refused American military support by U.S. President Harry S. Truman, who sympathized with nationalist movements like Mosaddegh's and had nothing but contempt for old-style imperialists like those who ran the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The occupation was also intended as leverage to demand the return of the Shah to stand trial in exchange for the hostages, and depose Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan, who they believed was plotting to normalize relations with the U.S. [109] Units of Imperial Iranian Army were deployed to the city to restore order, and the death toll, according to government was 6,[114] while Khomeini claimed hundreds were "martyred. [308] However, the push-back of the Shii clerics made progress difficult, and the government had to contain its promotion of basic women's rights to the norms of the patriarchal social hierarchy in order to accommodate the clerics. Inevitably, the overlapping authority of the Revolutionary Council (which had the power to pass laws) and Bazargan's government was a source of conflict,[198] despite the fact that both had been approved by and/or put in place by Khomeini. Bakhtiar would be appointed prime minister (a return to civilian rule), while the Shah and his family would leave the country. This voluminous work, reflects Iran's ancient history, its unique cultural values, its pre-Islamic Zoroastrian religion, and its sense of nationhood. Perhaps Mesopotamian influence, so noticeable in the pottery of Susa of that time, was also responsible for the striking differences from the moufflon demon in the conception of the ibex demon in this seal. The Iranian Revolution (Persian: , Enqelb-e Irn [eelbe in]), or the Islamic Revolution ( , Enqelb-e Eslm),[4] refers to a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979. "[211], Khomeini (and the assembly) now rejected the constitution its correctness notwithstanding and Khomeini declared that the new government should be based "100% on Islam."[212]. Iran, also known as Persia, is widely considered to be one of the cradles of civilization. [98][99], By 1977, the Shah's policy of political liberalization was underway. The sense that in both agriculture and industry too much had been attempted too soon and that the government, either through corruption or incompetence, had failed to deliver all that was promised was manifested in demonstrations against the regime in 1978. They are not allowed to publish newspapers. [220], The prestige of Khomeini and the hostage taking was further enhanced with the failure of a hostage rescue attempt, widely credited to divine intervention.[221]. Many western media outlets, usually critical of such claims, became one of Khomeini's most powerful tools. [324] Real GNI per capita in 2011 constant international dollars decreased after the revolution and during the Iran-Iraq war from $7762 in 1979 to $3699 at the end of the war in 1989. The guard eventually grew into "a full-scale" military force,[200] becoming "the strongest institution of the revolution."[201]. They led to a chasm between the monarchy and powerful Muslim clerics -- among them the popular Ayatollah Khomeini -- and would eventually lead to the Islamic Revolution of 1979. [209] Leftists found the draft too conservative and in need of major changes but Khomeini declared it 'correct'. But he also pushed the country to adopt Western-oriented secular modernization, allowing some degree of cultural freedom. Men and women are not allowed to dance or swim with each other. In their eyes, any country not decisively allied with the United States was a potential enemy. Will this revolution take things back to the way they were during the monarchy? [315], Iran is currently one of the world's only jurisdictions to actively execute gay men. Relying heavily on American support amidst the Cold War, he remained the Shah of Iran for 26 years after the coup, effectively keeping the country from swaying towards the influence of the Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union. Soon large crowds took to the streets, building barricades and supporting the rebels, while Islamic-Marxist guerillas with their weapons joined in support. Politically, he installed a succession of loyalist prime ministers. Grumbling once done about the tyranny and corruption of the Shah and his court is now directed against "the Mullahs. [40] When President Carter enacted a human-rights policy which said that countries guilty of human-rights violations would be deprived of American arms or aid, this helped give some Iranians the courage to post open letters and petitions in the hope that the repression by the government might subside. He enacted a Family Protection Act that established family courts to handle divorce and child custody cases. [278] Others claim the devastating IranIraq War "mortally wounded the ideal of spreading the Islamic revolution,"[185] or that the Islamic Republic's pursuit of an ideological rather than a "nationalist, pragmatic" foreign policy has weakened Iran's "place as a great regional power". [239] Riots broke out in Shariatmadari's Azeri home region with members of the MPRP and Shariatmadari's followers seizing the Tabriz television station and using it to "broadcast demands and grievances." Instead, the plan backfired badly. [308] During the reign of Reza Shah, the government mandated the removal of the veil and promoted the education of young girls. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. A decade of extraordinary economic growth, heavy government spending, and a boom in oil prices led to high rates of inflation and the stagnation of Iranians buying power and standard of living. [96] Against this background a first crucial manifestation of public expression of social discontent and political protest against the regime took place in October 1977, when the German-Iranian Cultural Association in Tehran hosted a series of literature reading sessions, organized by the newly revived Iranian Writers Association and the German Goethe-Institute. Part of the reason for launching the White Revolution was that the Shah hoped to get rid of the influence of landlords and to create a new base of support among the peasants and working class. [6], The Shah decided to continue on his plan of liberalization and to negotiate rather than to use force against the still-nascent protest movement:[109][110][111][116] he promised that fully democratic elections for the Majlis would be held in 1979; censorship was relaxed; a resolution was drafted to help reduce corruption within the royal family and the government;[111] and protesters were tried in civilian courts rather than by military court-martials and were quickly released. Prime Minister of the Interim Government. Pre-Revolution Iranian Psychedelic Rock is a blog dedicated to the history and music of pre-revolution Iran. The new constitution was also approved overwhelmingly by the December 1979 constitutional referendum, but with more opposition[Note 7] and smaller turnout. They were followed by thousands more Iranian youthmostly unemployed recent immigrants from the countrysidewho began protesting the regimes excesses. [231][232] These dissidents were sentenced to death by the Islamic Revolutionary Courts during show trials in more than eighty-five cities across the country on charges of spreading "corruption on Earth" (ifsad-fi-alarz), "espionage", "terrorism", or "enmity against Allah" (Moharebeh). By the 1960s, he received the title of grand ayatollah, which made him one of the supreme religious leaders of the Shiite community of Iran. Women could wear whatever was fashionable at that time, as a freedom. By mid-December, 1978, hundreds of thousands of people, led by religious leaders, came out in anti-government demonstrations. The Islamic revolutionary government itself is credited with helping establish Hezbollah in Lebanon[277] and the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq. The main plot of the movie is about a traditional man who holds a hostile view of motion pictures and sent to kill the director. [6][14], The developments initiated by seminaries closing on 7 January 1978 followed by the bazaar and seminary closing, and students rallying towards the homes of the religious leaders on the next day. The mullahs and bazaaris effectively policed the gathering, and protesters who attempted to initiate violence were restrained. His royal duties would be carried out by a Regency Council, and three months after his departure a referendum would be submitted to the people deciding on whether Iran would remain a monarchy or become a republic. Womens rights were stripped away and, in my opinion, women are seen helpless in that area of the world. In theory, oil money funneled to the elite was supposed to be used to create jobs and factories, eventually distributing the money, but instead the wealth tended to get stuck at the top and concentrated in the hands of the very few. [142], Tensions between the two rival governments increased rapidly. Critics complained that "vote-rigging, violence against undesirable candidates and the dissemination of false information" was used to "produce an assembly overwhelmingly dominated by clergy, all took active roles during the revolution and loyal to Khomeini. 21, 2010 . When Reza Shah came into control in 1925, the status of women changed significantly because he introduced policies that brought change to their lives. People celebrating Shah's exit from the country. Thus, this created a "dangerous bargaining position for activist women" since rather than arguing their position through intellect they were only able to "argue by numbers in the streets and be repelled by force". The ouster of Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran, formally marked the end of Iran's historical monarchy.[5]. Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the Iranian Revolution, was the grandson and son of Shiite religious leaders. Revolutionary leaders in Iran gave and sought support from non-Muslim activists such as the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, IRA in Ireland and anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, even so far as favoring leftist revolutionaries over Islamist, but ideologically different and strategically harmful causes, such as the neighboring Afghan Mujahideen. It is a government based on the sharia. Weeks later -- on Jan. 16 1979 -- the Shah fled the country. Both beginning and ending in the month of Muharram, the protests succeeded, and the Shah stepped down from power later that month. [20][101], On 5 November, demonstrations at University of Tehran became deadly after a fight broke out with armed soldiers. Fatalities were followed by demonstrations to commemorate the customary 40-day milestone of mourning in Shii tradition, and further casualties occurred at those protests, mortality and protest propelling one another forward. In 1953, amid a power struggle between Mohammed Reza Shah and Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.K. Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) orchestrated a coup against Mosaddeghs government. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Mohammad Reza Shah's reform program was built especially to weaken those classes that supported the traditional system. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. The universities closed soon after the April confrontation for Islamization`. Universities were closed to purge them of opponents of theocratic rule as a part of the "Cultural Revolution", and 20,000 teachers and nearly 8,000 military officers deemed too westernized were dismissed. Women with Mustaches and Men without Beards: Gender and Sexual Anxieties of Iranian Modernity. However Iran was "galvanized"[258] by the invasion and the populace of Iran rallied behind their new government in an effort to repel the invaders. [135], The protesters demanded that Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi step down from power and that Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini be returned from exile. [116] Soldiers were instructed not to use deadly force, yet there were instances of inexperienced soldiers reacting excessively, inflaming the violence without cowing the opposition, and receiving official condemnation from the Shah. The Cultural Revolution (1980-1983; Persian: : Enqelbe Farhangi) was a period following the Iranian Revolution, when the academia of Iran was purged of Western and non-Islamic influences (including traditionalist unpolitical Islamic doctrines) to align them with the revolutionary and political Islam. [326], The value of Iran's currency declined precipitously after the revolution. He followed in his familys path to become a Shiite scholar and teacher. Updates? At the centre of Iraq's objectives was the annexation of the East Bank of the Shaat Al-Arab waterway that makes up part of the border between the two nations and which had been the site of numerous border skirmishes between the two countries going back to the late 1960s. The Literacy Corps was established to reduce illiteracy in rural areas, though reading and writing rates continued to be low in the villages. [11][12] The headquarters deleted certain courses such as music as "fake knowledge," and committees "came to similar conclusions concerning all subjects in the humanities such as law, political sciences, economy, psychology, education and sociology". This conflict lasted only a few months however. In the decades before the Islamic revolution of 1979, Iran was ruled by the Shah, whose dictatorship repressed dissent and restricted political freedoms. "As the foreigners reveled on drink forbidden by Islam, Iranians were not only excluded from the festivities, some were starving. [176], There are some contesting understandings in academic literature regarding the reasons behind the mobilization of women. Current Iranian leader, Ali Khamenei in a Revolutionary protest in Mashhad. The Shah fled to Italy when the initial coup attempt on August 15 failed, but returned after a successful second attempt on August 19.[58]. There were widespread social, economic, and political reforms introduced during his reign, a number of which led to public discontent that would provide the circumstances for the Iranian Revolution. [234][235][236] When protests were organized by the National Democratic Front (NDF), Khomeini angrily denounced them saying, "we thought we were dealing with human beings. [6][20][101][116], On 6 November, the Shah dismissed Sharif-Emami from the post of prime minister, and chose to appoint a military government in its place. Many of the people in the regime struggled to find asylum and some even had to move to a few different countries before finally settling. Iran was under constant US unilateral sanctions, which were tightened under the presidency of Bill Clinton. "[286] To honor the 40th anniversary of revolution around 50,000 prisoners were forgiven by order Ali Khamenei to receive "Islamic clemency". Censorship is handled by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, without whose official permission, "no books or magazines are published, no audiotapes are distributed, no movies are shown and no cultural organization is established. The success of the Iranian Revolution was met with surprise throughout the world,[21] and was considered by many to be unusual in nature: it lacked many of the customary causes of revolutionary sentiment (e.g., defeat in war, a financial crisis, peasant rebellion, or disgruntled military);[22] occurred in a country that was experiencing relative prosperity;[6][20] produced profound change at great speed;[23] was massively popular; resulted in the massive exile that characterizes a large portion of today's Iranian diaspora;[24] and replaced a pro-Western secular[25] and authoritarian monarchy[6] with an anti-Western Islamist theocracy[6][19][20][26] that was based on the concept of Velyat-e Faqih (or Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist), straddling between authoritarianism and totalitarianism. But most of this increase can be attributed to the rise in oil prices in the 2000s. Insecurity and chaos created after the Constitutional Revolution led to the rise of General Reza Khan, the commander of the elite Persian Cossack Brigade who seized power in a coup d'tat in February 1921. Higher education in Iran had many leftist forces who were opposed to Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic state in Iran. Secular and leftist politicians piled onto the movement hoping to gain power in the aftermath, ignoring the fact that Khomeini was the very antithesis to all of the positions they supported. Even then, the owner of the theater was arrested by the Shah's police for political difference and defiance. During the shahs reign there had been an increase of women in labor force participation, but following these new religious laws, there was a drastic decrease of women in the workforce. [9][19][101] After the firing of warning shots failed to disperse the crowd, troops fired directly into the mob, killing 64,[109] while General Oveissi claimed that 30 soldiers were killed by armed snipers in surrounding buildings. [111] In his speech he stated "I have heard the voice of your revolutionthis revolution cannot but be supported by me, the king of Iran". Finally, in October Khomeini's son Mostafa died of an alleged heart attack, and his death was also blamed on SAVAK. The shahs dependence on the United States, his close ties with Israelthen engaged in extended hostilities with the overwhelmingly Muslim Arab statesand his regimes ill-considered economic policies served to fuel the potency of dissident rhetoric with the masses. It is much more than just the veil, but its about the freedom of expression, which can come in many forms; be it from deciding to indulge in listening to the Beatles, to even the decision to play a game of UNO. Persians remained Persians. [9] At all times Mesopotamian art appears to have centered more on man than did the pre-Islamic art of Iran. Over 20 people lost their lives in these university confrontations. The deaths shocked the country and damaged any attempt at reconciliation between the Shah and the opposition. I understand the necessity for religion to find its own medium for it to function, but I suppose its disappointing to know that something as controlling like this is currently a harsh reality that more specifically, women will have to go through. "[119] These and later events in Iran are frequently cited as one of the most consequential strategic surprises that the United States has experienced since the CIA was established in 1947. . Following the death of Ayatollah Boroujerdi, some of the scholars like Murtaza Mutahhari, Muhammad Beheshti and Mahmoud Taleghani found new opportunity to change conditions. [210] To approve the new constitution and prevent leftist alterations, a relatively small seventy-three-member Assembly of Experts for Constitution was elected that summer. [116][134] Khomeini announced that there would be no reconciliation with the Shah and called on all Iranians to overthrow him. as well as other partner offers and accept our. The military leadership was increasingly paralyzed by indecision, and rank-and-file soldiers were demoralized, having been forced to confront demonstrators while prohibited from using their own weapons (and being condemned by the Shah if they did). Criticisms have been raised with regards to political freedom, governmental honesty and efficiency, economic equality and self-sufficiency, or even popular religious devotion. He was later assassinated by an agent of the Islamic Republic in 1991 in Paris. [312]:161, When Ruhollah Khomeini came to power in 1979, he called for homosexuals to be "exterminated",[314] and one of his first political actions was to institute imprisonment, corporal punishment, and the death penalty for any sexual acts outside traditional Islamic heterosexual marriage. Some of the major issues highlighted were the government in Islam, the need for the clergy's independent financial organization, Islam as a way of life, advising and guiding youth and necessity of being community. Under the shah, Iran had more political, social and cultural life than any of its neighbors. The attempt was a reaction to the secular political discourse namely Marxism, liberalism and nationalism. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets shouting "Burn the Shah!" [14], By summer, the protests had stagnated, remaining at a steady rate for four months, with about 10,000 participants in each major citywith the exception of Isfahan, where protests were larger, and Tehran, where they were smallerprotesting every 40 days. [241], In January 1980, Abolhassan Banisadr was elected president of Iran. [109], The Carter administration increasingly became locked in a debate about continued support for the monarchy. Through 1977 liberal opposition formed organizations and issued open letters denouncing the government. "[159][160][161] In reference to this 60,000 figure, the military historian Spencer C. Tucker notes that "Khomeini's regime grossly overstated the revolution's death toll for propaganda purposes". He settled in a holy city in Iraq where he continued to speak out against the shah and call for his overthrow and the establishment of an Islamic republic. [303] While persecution occurred before the Revolution since then more than 200 Bahs have been executed or presumed killed, and many more have been imprisoned, deprived of jobs, pensions, businesses, and educational opportunities. "[199], The Revolutionary Guard, or Pasdaran-e Enqelab, was established by Khomeini on 5 May 1979, as a counterweight both to the armed groups of the left, and to the Shah's military. The telegram effectively declared his belief that the Shah would not survive the protests and that the US should consider withdrawing its support for his government and persuading the monarch to abdicate. [15] By 11 February 1979, the monarchy was officially brought down and Khomeini assumed leadership over Iran while guerrillas and rebel troops overwhelmed Pahlavi loyalists in armed combat. The protests grew incredibly fast, reaching between six million and nine million in strength in the first week. [9][101][109], The Shah was taken completely by surprise by the protests and,[9][20] to make matters worse, he often became indecisive during times of crisis;[6] virtually every major decision he would make backfired on his government and further inflamed the revolutionaries. "[308] After the revolution, women often had to work hard to support their families as the post-revolutionary economy suffered. Still, for a period of almost 40 years, the Shah led Iran through a series of sweeping changes. Cuisine Iranian cuisine was heavily rice or dough based. [113][116], Iran's security forces had not received any riot-control training nor equipment since 1963. Reaffirming himself as the legitimate leader, he declared that: Iran has one government. [309] They were encouraged by Ayatollah Khomeini to join him in overthrowing the Pahlavi dynasty. On 20 March 1890, the long-standing Iranian monarch Nasir al-Din Shah granted a concession to British Major G. F. Talbot for a full monopoly over the production, sale, and export of tobacco for 50 years. Their resentment towards the Shah also grew as they were now stripped of organizations that had represented them in the past, such as political parties, professional associations, trade unions, and independent newspapers. [114] Mashhad (the second largest city in Iran) was abandoned to the protesters, and in many provincial towns demonstrators were effectively in control. [178] Women's resistance included remaining in the work force in large numbers and challenging Islamic dress by showing hair under their head scarves. It resisted westernization and saw Ayatollah Khomeini as following in the footsteps of the Shi'a Imam Husayn ibn Ali, with the Shah playing the role of Husayn's foe, the hated tyrant Yazid I. [114] Increasingly, Khomeini called on the soldiers of the armed forces to defect to the opposition. The British embassy in Tehran was partially burned and vandalized as well, and the American embassy nearly suffered the same fate. In May 1979, the Furqan Group (Guruh-i Furqan) assassinated an important lieutenant of Khomeini, Morteza Motahhari. "[180] During 1978 and 1979 there were many gatherings in women's homes where they exchanged interpersonal news and anecdotes. [6][14][116], Khomeini condemned the military government and called for continued protests. [325] Data on GNI per capita in PPP terms is only available since 1990 globally. Believing in something of a higher power is an amazing thing and can give insight on how a person views the world and those in it. [118] In an attempt to dampen inflation, the Amuzegar administration cut spending and reduced business. The members of the Bah Faith have been declared heretical and subversive. More than this is intolerable, either for me or for you or for any other Iranian. [229] Most victims of the 1981 massacre were young activists aged eleven to twenty-four. Allameh Tabatabei refers to velayat as a political philosophy for Shia and velayat faqih for Shia community. The Majlis (Parliament) also began issuing resolutions against the government. Prelude to revolution Reza Shah Pahlavi [23] This came after Ahmadinejad was elected as Iran's president in 2005 and became the head of the Council. Khomeini immediately blamed the Shah and SAVAK for setting the fire, and,[9][101][124] due to the pervasive revolutionary atmosphere, the public also blamed the Shah for starting the fire, despite the government's insistence that they were uninvolved. Navy personnel were also used as strikebreakers in the oil industry. [240] The party was suppressed,[239] and in 1982 Shariatmadari was "demoted" from the rank of Grand Ayatollah and many of his clerical followers were purged. The shahs determination to showcase an increasingly liberal and modern front to the world was not matched by freedom of speech. The pro-Western Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was determined to drag the country into the 20th-century, and photographs of 1970s Tehran give the outward appearance that it was little different from Washington or New York. From 1941 to 1979, Iran was ruled by King Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah. ] Data on GNI per capita in PPP terms is only available 1990!, by 1977, the Shah fled the country succession of loyalist prime ministers marked the end of,... Prosecute corrupt government and royal family members National Front figure, Shahpour Bakhtiar 'correct.... Persia is among the most influential in the USA that we believe in the 1950s was... Answer the questions about Iranian culture below Reza Shah coordinate the activities Iranian society excluded... 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